January 2025 Minutes

Minutes for the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 30 January 2025 at Great Carlton Village Hall 

In the Chair: Cllr P Hill
Present: Cllrs Kade, Howard, and Seigneury. Cllrs Marshall and Bennett were co-opted in Item 5.
Parish Clerk: Mrs S Bristow
District Councillor Travis Hesketh (arrived 19:13)

Public Forum: The Church Warden noted that the trees in both churchyards have been surveyed, and no high risks were found. Three quotes for maintenance were obtained and the Diocese gave the go-ahead for St. John’s work to proceed; no permission was given as yet for St Edith’s. The warden will chase up the Archdeacon in February. 

The meeting was opened at 19:10 and 13 members of the public were in attendance. 

1. Apologies: None, although District Cllr Hesketh indicated he would be late.
2. Declarations of Interest: None
3. Approval of the minutes of the 14 November 2024 meeting: RESOLVED and signed by the Chairman. 
The meeting was then adjourned from 19:13 to allow Cllr Hesketh to update the room on the Nuclear Waste Services (NWS) announcement regarding their updated siting intentions. It was discussed how the land between Gt Carlton and Gayton Le Marsh had been identified as a preferred location for NWS’s above ground operations. It was confirmed that the location would be further refined in time, but that this was not a “done deal” yet.
The meeting re-opened at 19:23.
4. Update on Replacement Clerk/RFO: The Chairman brought this item forward to introduce Mrs S Bristow as the new Clerk/RFO and noted he signed her employment contract prior to the meeting opening. 
5. Update on Councillor vacancies (3 in total): Noting there were actually 4 vacancies, two parishioner had put themselves forward for co-option. The existing members were offered the chance to ask each one a questions. After this, the council did not feel any debate was needed and moved on to the vote. Both candidates were co-opted unanimously and signed their declarations of office and joined the members’ table.
6. Finance report: Cllr Seigneury reported balances of £305.20 in the Community account and £1324.82 in the Saver account. The new Clerk will work with her on getting banking sorted in light of changes in membership. The council RESOLVED a budget of up to £500 for the Clerk to bring the council up to date on technical matters. 
7. Update on grass cutting contract for Lt Carlton: Cllr Kade noted a new contractor (Robert Aldrich Gardening Services) was awarded the work and had been for an initial tidy up before end of 2024. 
8. Update on the Lt Carlton war memorial: The Chairman noted having spoken to Leakes about the issue but had not heard back. He will chase them up.
9. Planning Matters: None
10. Wind Turbine Fund matters: The issue of villagers being able to apply for support in the absence of winter fuel payments was raised, it was noted the applications had not been distributed as intended. It was further noted that the application was not available on the Council website; a parishioner forwarded the blank form to the members so it can be distributed accordingly. 
The meeting was closed at 19:45 to allow the printing off of a Precept demand note, as this was due by the next day. The meeting reopened at 20:05.
The Council RESOLVED to keep the precept at £1000, and the Chairman signed the demand form.
11.  Date of next meeting be discussed and confirmed: The semi-annual Wind Turbine Fund meeting will be on 13 Feb and the Parish Council meeting will be on 20 Feb. Both meetings will begin at 19:00 in the Gt Carlton village hall.

There being no additional business, the meeting was closed at 20:09.