May 2022 Agenda Annual Parish Council Meeting
Annual Parish Council Meeting Agenda
Thursday 12 May 7pm Village Hall
As this is the Annual Parish Council Meeting and new officers will be elected, the opportunity for public contributions will be moved down the agenda to before the main body of the meeting.
1.Election of Chairperson
2.Election of Vice-Chairperson
3.Election of Clerk
4.Election of Responsible Financial Officer
5.Election of Finance Committee
6.Election of Wind Turbine Committee representatives
7.Election of Parish Council Representatives on Community Bodies: Parochial Church Council, Village Hall Trustees, Social Club, Carltons Children’s Club, Friends of St Edith’s
8.Public Contribution
Contributions will be restricted to 15 minutes in total. Public participation within the agenda is at the discretion of the chair.
10.Approve the draft Parish Council minutes from 10 March 2022
11.LCC and ELDC Councillors- an opportunity for input in addition to the agenda items.
12.To review and approve land registry assets. Find a link to PC Governance – Great and Little Carlton Parish Council (
13.To review and approve the risk register. Find a link to PC Governance – Great and Little Carlton Parish Council (
14. To vote on approving the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2021-22
14.1 To vote on approving The Annual Governance Statement 2021-22
14.2 To vote on approving The Accounting Statement 2021-22
14.3 To vote on approving The Certificate of Exemption 2021-22
15. To vote on approving the delegation of spending powers to the Finance Committee
15.1 To vote on approving the level of remuneration for the Clerk
15.2 To vote on approving spending over £100 since the last meeting
16. To vote on the scheduled Parish Council meeting day for 2022-23
17. Matters arising from informal Parish Council Meeting held on 12 April
18. Report on progress of Highway Speed Indicator Device
19. Report on Parish Woodland matters
20. Report on The Hall
21. Next meeting- 8 September 2022 7pm