September 2022 Agenda

Parish Council Agenda -Thursday 22 September 2022 7pm Village Hall

There will be an opportunity for public contributions before the meeting commences, which will be restricted to 15 minutes in total. Public participation within the agenda is at the discretion of the Chair.


2. Apologies

3. Approve minutes of combined Annual Parish Council meeting and ordinary Parish Council meeting of 12th May 202

4. Co-option – to fill vacancy following the resignation of Councillor Anya Mower

5.Input from LCC/ELDC Councillors

6.  Report on Highways, including Speed Indicator Device (NP)

7. Update on the Theddlethorpe Community Partnership group (AA)

8. Declaration of spend greater than £100

9. Report on Parish Woodland matters, to include feedback from Little Carlton consultations plus planting of the Jubilee saplings and condition of the footpath (JC and AS)

10. Consideration of the introduction of a Charter for the Environment for the Carltons

11. Parish noticeboards

12. LALC courses

13. The Hall

14. Consideration of reintroducing a Parish Council Annual Newsletter

15. Date of next meeting