September 2024 DRAFT minutes
Parish Council DRAFT minutes for Thursday 12 September 2024
Village Hall at 7pm
Parish Councillor attendees: Angela Arden (Chair), Sarah Howard, Anna Seigneury, Nick Pike, Kevin Kade
Guests: LCC Councillor Dan McNally
7 members of the public attended.
The Chair read out the LALC Welcome statement.
No questions by members of the public.
1. Apologies: Mike Mawer (Clerk), Peter Hill (Vice Chair), Clive Reetham, ELDC Councillor Travis Hesketh
2. Approve the draft Parish Council minutes from 11 June 2024: proposed by Nick, seconded by Anna. Approve the draft Parish Council minutes from 8 August 2024: proposed by Kevin, seconded by Nick. Signed by Chair.
3. Co-options and vacancies: one vacancy for Little Carlton. No interest shown.
4. LCC and ELDC Councillors- an opportunity for input in addition to the agenda items: Dan reported LCC focus on victims of scamming. 80% are over 70. LCC working with Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk County councils about the proposed pylons. Dan has reported the finger sign in Little Carlton which is rotting to LCC. No news yet on resurfacing of footpaths in Little Carlton.
ELDC Travis sent a report in his absence about NWS change of Chair of the Community Partnership (David Fannin), plus that meetings will be open to the public but questions are not permitted during the meeting. Angela informed Councillors that David was keen to meet local Parish Councils and would be available for an October 10 meeting. Angela proposed that we invite him, seconded by Nick. Discussion ensued but ultimately all in favour. Action: Angela /Mike on his return to issue a formal invitation to David, for a 30 minute presentation followed by Q&A session open to the public.
5. Finance report and declaration of all spending since the last meeting and in the pipeline: in Mike’s absence, Nick reported a current balance of £2126.41. Invoices received from Hampton’s Gardening services (Elliot) from June till the end of August for the village green/ St Edith’s mowing - £218.75 in total. Also invoice from LALC in relation to Clerk’s training day for £15.
To consider the purchase of a dedicated smart phone for use by the Clerk: Chair pointed out that we were unique in not having a paid clerk. Internal auditor had advised purchasing a smartphone for the use of the Parish Clerk. Discussion ensued – majority vote against. Amendment proposed that more information needed, as currently there was only an email available for the public and not a PC phone number: Action: to revisit.
Dan left at this point to go to another meeting.
6. Parish survey results:
Total of 123 newsletters delivered: 57 LC and 66 GC.
Total return 46 (37%) LC 29 (51%) and GC 17 (26%)
Majority of LC returns asked for all village green grass to be cut with the grass removed, with a similar number for St Edith’s churchyard. Councillors voted to uphold this result.
7. Little Carlton village green: arrangements for the 2024-25 mowing contract to go out to tender: Action: Kevin volunteered to coordinate this in Mike’s absence.
Sarah Howard left at this point.
8. St Edith’s Churchyard: feedback from the open meeting on 5 September organised by Councillor Kade: the Church will arrange a tree survey asap to include both churchyards. (Carol Carter). Kevin, as leader of the Friends of St Edith’s, to negotiate with Carol. Action: Kevin to contact possible contractors to include maintenance with item 7. There are also volunteers to help with other jobs. Three dead trees need removing on the boundary. Anna offered hedge trimming. Edwin Sharp offered to renovate the gates and seats over the winter – these will be temporarily relocated to his property. Action: this to be confirmed in writing by Clerk. All in favour. Thanks to all concerned.
Anna proposed that the same treatment for the LC bench be used for the GC bench and both be paid for by the PC. Seconded Kevin. All in favour.
9. Policies and procedures: to discuss and vote on new additions to our current policies recommended by the internal auditor:
9.1. To disband the finance committee which was set up during COVID
Proposed Angela, seconded Anna. All in favour.
9.2. To adopt the LALC publication scheme
Proposed Kevin, seconded Nick. Action: Angela to add to website.
9.3. To adopt the LALC complaints policy
Proposed Kevin, seconded Nick. Action: Angela to add to website. NB Appeals policy will be in a future meeting.
10.Parish green spaces other than Little Carlton specific:
10.1 To clarify the roles and responsibilities of our Green Spaces Councillors: Kevin to manage LC village green and St Edith’s and Anna GC, including footpath and Vicarage Road woodland. To work together with the clerk. Area in front of the Mill in LC to continue to be looked after by the volunteer resident of the Mill. Action: Kevin to inform. Thanks to all concerned.
10.2 Footpath: future maintenance: to be addressed more fully at a future meeting.
11. Planning: no planning items this month
12. Wind Turbine Fund matters:
12.1 War memorial – post meeting Peter reported that work would be done by the end of September weather permitting.
12.2 Defibrillator upkeep: Lionel Budd, volunteer from LC has kindly installed the new defibrillators, cleaned the telephone boxes inside and can report that they are now linked to The Circuit again. Kevin volunteered to work with Lionel in LC and Nick in GC. All in favour. Thanks to all concerned.
13. LALC training: Angela reported that Mike has greatly benefited from his whole day face to face course. She will be attending online training for Chairs on 17 September. Kevin would prefer to attend new councillor training face to face when available.
14. Date of next meeting:
10 October 2024 7pm Village Hall with guest speaker David Fannin
Meeting closed at 8.45pm
Thanks to Anna for taking notes