June 2024 minutes

Parish Council minutes for Thursday 13 June 2024

Village Hall at 7pm

Parish Council attendees: Angela Arden, Peter Hill, Sarah Howard, Anna Seigneury, Clive Reetham, Nick Pike, Carole Mawer

Guests: ELDC Councillor Travis Hesketh

19 members of the public attended.

Public contribution: The Chair explained the background to the ‘situation’ at St Edith’s, as the majority of the public present were in attendance for item 5.3. Several members of the public, two of whom had sent in emails, and another who had contacted the Chair directly, expressed their dismay at the state of St Edith’s churchyard and their opposition to the planned maintenance passed by Councillors at the May meeting. There was concern about a lack of consultation with residents. SH read out two letters from residents unable to attend the meeting, plus one from herself. Three other emails were also received, from the family of a resident present at the meeting.


A minutes silence was held in memory of Pat Reetham, wife of Councillor Clive Reetham

1. Apologies – LCC Councillor McNally

2. Approve the draft Parish Council minutes from 9 May 2024: proposed PH, seconded CM. All in favour

3. Co-options and vacancies: no one has applied to fill the current vacancy. In the light of comments in the public section, the Chair suggested that a resident from Little Carlton might like to apply.

4. LCC and ELDC Councillors- ELDC Councillor Hesketh updated Councillors on the opportunity to attend election hustings in Mablethorpe and Louth, Also, possible future training for Parish Councillors regarding planning applications. He also thanked the PC for the information received at the last meeting regarding maintenance of burial grounds, which he shared with his own Parish of South Reston.

4.1 Theddlethorpe nuclear waste facility – to vote on a motion proposed by Sarah Howard to support the other villages that are putting forward their objections to the nuclear dump. The Chair reminded Councillors of a letter already sent in November 2023. Motion was seconded PH. All in favour. Action: TH to send Clerk an example of a letter sent by other local Councils to enable this PC to send their own.

5. Parish Woodland – progress updates: AS reported that a large lime tree had unfortunately been lost from the Spinney, at the end of Glebe Road. It had been uprooted and fallen into the Reetham’s field, where it is being cleared up by them.

5.1 Little Carlton village greenthe temporary contractor appointed by the PC at the last meeting is making a good job of the maintenance. The central area originally ‘pegged’ to be left unmown has remained in situ for the moment, but it was discussed. The area could be reduced a bit, and it will be cut and cleared at the end of the season.

5.2 Footpath: AS reported that as well as having been sprayed, the sides of the footpath had been mown. In answer to a question from a member of the public, she confirmed that notices had been correctly displayed at the time of spraying.

5.3 St Edith’s churchyard: the Chair allowed further contributions from members of the public as agreed earlier.

AA referred back to the public comments from earlier and these further contributions and acknowledged that firstly, if the initial contractors had done their job when contacted by AS and secondly, that if time had not been so tight then residents would have been included in any decision, then the current situation would not have happened. Over the last year, the request for volunteers had not yielded results. The PC were not looking to save money on the upkeep, but had voted to adopt a more biodiverse approach, as was happening in many other churchyards nationwide. She apologised for the upset caused.

However, since the last meeting, when work was begun only 3 days later starting on the creation of footpaths and access to graves, residents and non residents with relatives buried in the churchyard had taken it upon themselves to strim the whole area with the exception of the back section.

AA proposed that:

1. before the next meeting residents be asked for their views in the form of a survey as to the future maintenance of St Edith’s, and

2. that the current contractor continue for now, cutting the larger area as requested by village residents and families of those visiting their loved ones, but that before the September meeting other contactors be approached for future maintenance going forward.

Seconded by PH, all in favour.

The majority of the public left at this point.


6. 2023-24 internal audit results: previously circulated to Councillors: feedback from the meeting with the LALC internal auditor, Carl Thomas, on 27 May 2024

6.1 Policies and procedures – new additions arising from the internal audit: these were noted and will be addressed in September. To include disbanding the finance committee and the need for the purchase of poppy wreathes to be recorded as a section 137 purchase.

6.2 To review and approve land registry assets. https://carltons.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/council-business/policies-and-procedures/7

Proposed AA, seconded NP, all in favour. Action: website to be updated.

6.3. To review and approve the risk register: sent to Councillors as an attachment: changes noted, proposed CR, seconded PH, all in favour. Action: website to be updated

7. Finance report:

7.1 declaration of all spending since the last meeting: £642.17:

LALC £96.20 subs and £132 training, as per May minutes, plus £414.74 insurance (agreed in principle at last meeting).

Current balance total £2,386.66.

7.2 upcoming spending: May LC village green and St Edith’s: £238.75; office supplies £19. Proposed CR, seconded CM. All in favour.

SH left the meeting at this point: 8.38pm

8. To vote on approving the AGAR 2023-24: proposed PH, seconded CR. All in favour. Signed by AA and MM. Action: relevant paperwork to be returned and pdf copies to be added to the website.

9. Planning:PH informed the PC that outline planning has been granted for land at Hawk’s Meadow.

10. Wind Turbine Fund matters:

10.1 War memorial PH: ongoing.

10.2 Defibrillator upkeep: as maintainer of the village defibrillators, Lionel Budd had put forward a proposal to purchase new pads and batteries for £334 + VAT. This can be covered by the funds in the PC reserves without needing a WT bid. Proposed AA, seconded NP. All in favour. Action: Lionel to be thanked and items to be purchased before the end of the month. There is no immediate need for new machines – this can be addressed next year so that a bid can be made to the WTC. Councillor Hesketh suggested that we also approach the British Heart Foundation for a grant.

11. Highways: PH reported that a report into the drainage issue on Main Road concluded that further work will need to be done to remove tree roots that are blocking the drainage pipes, along with mending a section of broken pipe.

12. Update on the South Wolds hunt: to date, despite numerous attempts, this has been unsuccessful. New avenues of communication to be investigated.

13. LALC: update on training courses: there is one online course for Councillors available on 25 June.

14 . Date of next meeting: 12 September 2024 7pm Village Hall


Meeting closed at 8.54pm