January 2024 Minutes
Parish Council minutes for Thursday 11 January 2024
7pm Village Hall
Parish Councillor attendees: Angela Arden (Chair), Peter Hill (Vice Chair), Sarah Howard, Nick Pike, Anna Seigneury, Carole Mawer
Guests: LCC Councillor Dan McNally
Three members of the public attended.
Public contribution: Angela Arden reported concerns from two members of the public (not in attendance) about the very loud bird scarers this year In the field near the crossroads in GC. Angela to contact Tristan Marwood to see of there is any chance of them being altered.
1. Apologies: Clive Reetham, ELDC Councillor Travis Hesketh
2. Approve the draft Parish Council minutes from 9 November 2023: proposed Peter Hill, seconded Anna Seigneury All in favour. Signed by Chair.
3. New Councillor Co-options: one vacancy. Still no interest. Action: to continue to publicise.
4. Clerk/RFO: Mike Mawer to complete all tasks that are not computer related eg take minutes manually; telephone enquiries. Angela Arden to undertake computer related tasks and use the PC laptop.
4.1 Councillors to update personal ELDC finance information: relevant forms circulated to Councillors. Councillors to take completed forms to Peter Hill to forward to ELDC.
4.2 Parish Website: progressing well, Angela Arden to continue to liaise with Pete Langford at LALC as required. Hoping to be able to incorporate village groups when feasible.
5. LCC and ELDC Councillors: In addition to his written report forwarded to Councillors prior to the meeting, Dan reported that the aerobic digester planning application for Manby airfield has been passed by LCC. Concerns were raised that no changes to the B1200 were to be made, only a commitment to avoid peak commuting hours, as well as restrict the use of Tinkle Street and Carlton Road.
Councillor Hesketh’s End of Year report, a personal take on his experience as an ELDC Councillor, had been forwarded to Councillors prior to the meeting.
6. Greater Lincolnshire Combined County Authority Proposal: Dan explained the proposal to all Councillors and Clerk shared written material with those who hadn’t previously accessed it. Councillors felt that they had not had time to make an informed decision. All were encouraged to attend events and to submit personal comments. Vote was 4 in favour and 2 against the proposal. Action: Chair to inform the relevant people via email.
Sarah Howard left the meeting at this point.
7. Finance report: Nick reported that despite a number of phone calls to Barclays when he was on hold for over an hour at a time, no progress had been able to be made. There were no payments of over £100 made since the last meeting..
7.1.Precept 2024-25: Angela proposed keeping the precept at the same level as last year - £1,000 total - approximately £10 per household (Band D property). Seconded by Peter Hill. All in favour. Action: forms to be completed accordingly and returned to ELDC before the deadline of 26 January.
7.2. Wind Turbine Grant Application: This was discussed at length. Currently the PC has a decent balance and a major source of outgoings – clerk’s wages – is not currently required. Angela Arden proposed that the PC do not put in a bid for the February round of applications, but revisit for August. Seconded by Anna Seigneury. All in favour.
8. Planning: N/063/02285/23 Change of use, conversion of and alterations to part of an existing barn to form 1 no. dwelling and attached annex - WYGGESTON HOUSE, CHAPEL LANE, GREAT CARLTON, LOUTH, LN11 8JR. Peter Hill proposed the PC support the application, seconded by Nick Pike. All in favour. Action: Angela to inform ELDC planning of this decision via the online portal.
9. Great Carlton War Memorial: Still awaiting the move of the memorial to its new base – inclement weather has delayed this. Action: Peter Hill to continue to liaise with Clive and then notify Leakes to enable them to continue with the restoration.
10. Report on Highway Speed Indicator Device: Nick reported that this has now been relocated to Little Carlton. Data is positive. Action: Nick to continue to monitor.
11. Parish Woodland: storm damage/footpath: fortunately a tree had fallen into the Taylor’s field on the bend near St Edith’s (rather than onto the road) and was swiftly cleared off the footpath. Little Carlton village green: Anna had met with Green Cuts, who had given a positive verbal report on the current state of the trees on the green. A rowan needs some minor pruning, but there was some concern about the continued growth from The Willows willow tree, which overhangs onto the green. Action: Anna to speak to the resident to discuss this.
12. Parish Council Engagement Session - East Lindsey – Lincolnshire Police - 5 December 2023: positive feedback shared by the Chair.
13. Feedback from NWS Parish Chairs online meetings: December had been a presentation about the geology of the potential off shore site. January’s presentation had been about ‘visioning’.
14. LALC communications and training: information forwarded to all Councillors
15. Parish meeting: provisional date of 11 April at 6pm – unfortunately no First Aid trainers were able to provide training at this time – Monday to Friday 9 – 4.30 only. There is one other possible option which the Clerk will investigate. A final decision to be made at our March meeting.
16. The Hall: Angela reported on the string of recent emails between herself and Jo Parker at ELDC regarding the state of the grade ii listed building. We remain in the same position as in June 2021 when ELDC were looking to obtain a warrant for internal access.
17. Next meeting:14 March 2024 7pm Village Hall
Meeting closed at 8.50pm
Minutes taken by Mike Mawer,Clerk